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Aircraft Limitations

The page describes various operational limitations of the currently simulated aircraft model of the A32NX. Other variations of the A320 might have different limitations and characteristics.

This list is incomplete but should mention the most important operational limitations for flight simulation.

Aircraft General

Flight Maneuvering Load Acceleration Limits

  • Clean configuration: -1.0g to +2.5g
  • Other configurations: 0g to +2g

Environmental Envelope

Environmental Envelope

Airport Operations and Wind Limitations

Parameter Value
Runway altitude 9 200 ft
Runway slope +- 2% (mean)
Nominal Runway Width 45m
Maximum certified crosswind for takeoff 35kt (incl. gust)
Maximum demonstrated crosswind for landing 38kt (incl. gust)
Maximum tailwind for takeoff 15kt


For landing with a tailwind greater than 10 kt, FLAPS FULL is recommended.


Maximum Flaps/Slats Speeds

Position Slats ° Flaps ° ECAM Max Speed Phase
0 0 0 CRUISE
1 18 0/10 1/1+F 230/215 kts HOLD / TAKE OFF
2 22 15 2 200 kts TAKE OFF / APPR
3 22 20 3 185 kts TAKE OFF / LDG / APPR
FULL 27 40 FULL 177 kts LDG

Maximum Operating Speeds

Parameter Description Value
VMO Maximum operating speed in Knots 350 kt
MMO Maximum operating speed in Mach M0.82


Landing Gear

Parameter Description Value
VLE Maximum Speeds with the Landing Gear Extended 280 kt / M 0.67
VLO extension Maximum speed at which the landing gear may be extended 250 kt / M 0.60
VLO retraction Maximum speed at which the landing gear may be retracted 220 kt / M 0.54
Parameter Description Value
Maximum ground speed Tire protection 195 kt

Minimum Control Speeds

Parameter Description Value
VMCL Minimum control speed for landing 116 kt
VMCA Minimum control speed in the air see table below
VMCG Minimum control speed on the ground see table below
Altitude VMCA VMCG / >CONF 1
-2 000 ft 115 kt IAS 117 kt IAS
0 ft 114 kt IAS 116 kt IAS
2 000 ft 114 kt IAS 116 kt IAS
4 000 ft 113 kt IAS 115 kt IAS
6 000 ft 112 kt IAS 114 kt IAS
8 000 ft 109 kt IAS 112 kt IAS
10 000 ft 106 kt IAS 109 kt IAS
12 000 ft 103 kt IAS 106 kt IAS
14 100 ft 99 kt IAS 102 kt IAS
15 100 ft 97 kt IAS 101 kt IAS

Taxi Speed

Parameter Description Value
Maximum taxi speed When takeoff weight >76 000kg / 167 550 lb 20 kt during a turn

Weight Limitations

Parameter Description Value
MTXW Maximum Taxi Weight 79 400 kg / 175 047 lb
MTOW Maximum Takeoff Weight 79 000 kg / 174 165 lb
MLW Maximum Landing Weight 67 400 kg / 148 591 lb
MZFW Maximum Zero Fuel Weight 64 300 kg / 141 757 lb
Minimum Weight 40 600 kg / 89 508l lb


In exceptional cases (in flight turn back or diversion), an immediate landing at weight above maximum landing weight is permitted, provided the pilot follows the overweight landing procedure.

Cabin Pressure

Parameter Value
Maximum positive differential pressure 9.0 PSI
Maximum negative differential pressure -1.0 PSI
Safety relief valve setting 8.6 PSI



Parameter Value
At takeoff / manual go-around 100 ft AGL and min. 5s after liftoff
Approach with FINAL APP, V/S or FPA 250 ft AGL
Circling Appraoch 500 ft AGL
ILS CAT1 160 ft AGL
ILS CAT2 or CAT3 0 ft AGL if autoland
All other modes 500 ft AGL


The AP or FD in OP DES or DES mode can be used in approach. However, its use is only permitted if the FCU selected altitude is set to, or above, the higher of the two: MDA/MDH or 500 ft AGL.

See also Autoland


Parameter Description Value
N1 Max 101 %
N2 Max 116.5 %
Takeoff and Go-around All engines operative Time Limit: 5 min / EGT Limit 635°C
Takeoff and Go-around One engines inoperative Time Limit: 10 min / EGT Limit 635°C
Maximum Continuous Thrust (MCT) Time: Not limited / EGT Limit 610°C
Starting EGT Limit 635°C
Engine start max crosswind 45 kt
Engine takeoff max crosswind 35 kt (incl. gust)


The N1 limit depends on the ambient conditions and on the configuration of the engine air bleed. These parameters may limit N1 to a value that is less than the above-mentioned N1 value.

Engine Anti-Ice

The engine anti-ice must be ON during all ground and flight operations when icing conditions exist or are anticipated, except during climb and cruise when the temperature is below -40°C SAT. The engine anti-ice must be ON prior to and during descent in icing conditions, including temperatures below -40°C SAT.


Do not rely on airframe visual icing cues to turn engine anti-ice on. Use the temperature and visual moisture criteria specified the icing conditions definition. Delaying the use of engine anti-ice until buildup is visible from the cockpit may result in severe engine damage and/or flameout.

Definition of Icing Conditions

  • Icing conditions exist when the OAT (on ground or after takeoff) or the TAT (in flight) is at or below 10°C and visible moisture in any form is present (such as clouds, fog with visibility of 1 sm (1 600 m) or less, rain, snow, sleet or ice crystals).
  • Icing conditions also exist when the OAT on the ground and for takeoff is at or below 10°C and operating on ramps, taxiways or runways where surface snow, standing water or slush may be ingested by the engines, or freeze on engines, nacelles or engine sensor probes.

Flight Controls

Parameter Value
Maximum operating altitude with slats and/or flaps extended 20 000 ft


Parameter Value
Minimum fuel at takeoff 1 500 kg / 3 307 lb

Landing Gear

Braking System

The braking system is not designed to hold the aircraft in a stationary position when a high thrust level is applied on at least one engine.

During ground procedures that require a thrust increase with braking, the flight crew must ensure that the aircraft remains stationary, and must be ready to immediately retard the thrust levers to IDLE.

Parameter Value
Maximum brake temperature for takeoff 300°C

IR Ground Alignment

Possible only between 82° North and 82° South.

Magnetic Reference

In NAV mode, the IR will not provide valid magnetic heading and magnetic track angle:

  • North of 73 ° North, between 90 ° West and 120 ° West (magnetic polar region), and
  • North of 82 ° North, and
  • South of 60 ° South.

Flying at latitudes beyond these limits is prohibited.

Last update: December 1, 2022