Please utilize the following information when developing for the A32NX to keep your javascript functions clean.
Tips and Tricks
Don't use eval
Just don't.
Don't reassign function parameters
function foo(bar) {
bar = 1; // no!
Don't add or remove properties from objects
delete obj.x; // no!
const obj = { y: 1 };
obj.x = 2; // no!
class X {
constructor() {
this.y = 1;
method() {
this.x = 2; // no!
Use specific methods over generic loops where possible
Do not:
// no!
for (const item of array) {
// ...
// yes!
array.forEach((item) => {
Don't create arrays with holes
// no!
const array = new Array(5).fill(0);
// yes!
let array = Array.from({ length: 5 }, () => 0);
Use strict equality
// no!
a == b;
// yes!
a === b;
Last update:
December 1, 2022